Monday, December 28, 2009

gath kedua... :) second gathering...with naa... :) hehe^^ on 26 dec (saturday)... even only both of us,but im happy cz ive met her..hihi^^ d place? as usual kuantan ni..where else except megamall....yea yea yea...megamall...huhu^^ around 12 pm,i reached there..yuppppp..i drive myself! hehe^^ [saya sudah mahirrr laaa...] hahahaha...
after 2.30 pm, we m0ve straight to telok chempedak... sudah puas snip-snap kat sne, finally aroung 4.30, i sent naa to terminal makmur... cz she need to go back to kolej matrikulasi gambang... n after that, i drove back home at 5.00 pm... wow....ive spend a day with naa! :DD ... yea.. im happy! i wish that i c0uld meet d other gr0up members one day........... MySpace